
La Gazzetta: June 2023
Jun 02, 2023
Introducing our June edition of La Gazzeta! Our monthly "gazzette" where you can find all our latest news and offers.
La Gazzetta: May 2023
May 05, 2023
Introducing our May edition of La Gazzeta! Our monthly "gazzette" where you can find all our latest news and offers.
La Gazzetta: April 2023
Apr 12, 2023
Introducing our first edition of La Gazzeta! Our monthly "gazzette" where you can find all our latest news and offers.
Apr 03, 2023
Buona Pasqua! Spring has sprung, and Easter is fast approaching. As you may know, this holiday is a very big deal in Italy.
Celebrate Spring at Valentina
Mar 14, 2023
With spring just around the corner, discover everything you need to enjoy it at your favourite Italian in town.
Carnevale: What is It and What Does it Celebrate?
Feb 08, 2023
Carnevale (‘carnival’) in Italy is a momentous celebration full of atmosphere, food and camaraderie, taking place before Lent.