CASALINGA Balsamic Vinegar Of Modena 250ml


CASALINGA Balsamic Vinegar Of Modena 250ml

The unique climate of the Modena region, with hot, dry summers and cold winters, allows this Balsamic vinegar to acquire a bold, mature flavour.
It is delizioso drizzled on salad and roasted meats or served as part of an antipasto plate.

CASALINGA (Ka-sa-LEAN-ga) means housewife, and this newest brand by Gino D’Acampo & Marco Silvagni pays homage to this classic cultural role by staying rooted in Italian culinary tradition.
Launched in answer to the increasing demand from consumers for Italian speciality retail products, Gino & Marco designed Casalinga to be the bridge between the supposedly contradictory consumer desires for old world cooking and modern convenience.

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