TENUTA MARMORELLE Pasta Sauce Beef & Pork Bolognese 500ml


TENUTA MARMORELLE Pasta Sauce Beef & Pork Bolognese 500ml

Being from an Italian family we have always hesitated to introduce pasta sauce in a jar, until we had the perfect recipe. These are authentic Italian pasta sauces which will take you back to the best meal you could have in Italy.

The Bolognese sauce is made to a traditional recipe and includes real beef and pork to give a delicious, ready to use pasta sauce.

Our Pasta Sauces are Naturally Gluten Free being made with all gluten free ingredients and in a production plant where no ingredients using gluten are used.


Tomato Pulp and sieved cherry tomatoes 63%, beef 12%, pork 7%, white wine, olive oil, onions, CELERY, carrots, salt, pepper, bay leaves, rosemary, acidifier; citric acid.

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